About Obesity
in body weight 15-20 kg above ideal, due to fat storage is Obesity.
When body weight is further increased the situation is called morbid
or severe obesity. Morbid obesity requires medical management
because today is considered as a disease. It is scientifically
proved that the more excess weight the more the risk for development
of severe and life threatening diseases exist.Obesity is better
defined by calculation of the Body Mass Index (BMI) which is
related to the weight and height. (See BMI calculation).
According to World Health Organization (WHO) obesity is now day's
epidemic in Western Countries and is a major health problem,
responsible for much loss of lives, deterioration of life
quality and the development of serious co-morbidities. Europe
is very close to the USA in incidence and severity of obesity.
Greece is the second among the European Countries in incidence
of obesity in the adult population and first among adolescence
and children.
Obesity is considered a chronic disease responsible for
the development of hypertension, diabetes mellitus, increased
cholesterol and triglycerides, cardiac problems, stroke,
cholelithiasis, respiratory problems and sleep apnoea syndrome,
infertility and endocrine problems in females, lower back pain,
knee degenerative arthritis, venous insufficiency, gastroesophageal
reflux, depression and anxiety and even cancer of the breast,
endometriun, large bowel and prostate.
Obesity especially morbid (serious) one is therefore a dangerous
and potentially lethal disease which needs medical treatment
not only for cosmetic reasons but because weight loss has beneficial
influence in health and quality of life. |